Die Montage von Bauteilen ist eine wichtige Phase im Fertigungsprozess. Sie erfordert Liebe zum Detail, um alle Komponenten zu einem funktionalen Produkt zusammenzufügen.
Obwohl wir uns auf die Herstellung von bearbeiteten Komponenten spezialisiert haben, können wir auf Wunsch des Kunden auch Montageleistungen anbieten.
Etappen der Komponentenmontage:
- Die Herstellung von bearbeiteten Teilen,
- Planung der Reihenfolge,
- Einpassen und Ausrichten,
- Befestigung und Zusammenbau,
- Qualitätskontrolle.
Makine mühendisliği ve makine teknolojisine odaklanarak endüstrideki çeşitli uygulamalar için dişliler, dişli halkaları ve dişli milleri üretiyoruz.
Müşterilerimiz çok çeşitli endüstrilerden gelmektedir: demiryolu, rüzgar enerjisi, denizcilik, endüstriyel dişli kutuları, petrol ve gaz üretimi, vinç yapımı veya inşaat makinelerinin yanı sıra özel makineler.
Ayrıca güçlendirme endüstrisine tedarik ediyoruz ve parçaları küçük seri veya tek seferlik üretimde üretiyoruz. Boyuta bağlı olarak, genellikle 4'lük bir kalite elde edilebilir. Olasılıkları yükümlülük altına girmeden ve ücret ödemeden kontrol ediyoruz.
Müşterilerimiz arasında tanınmış ve tanınmış şirketler bulunmaktadır. Talep üzerine sektörünüze referanslar.
Müşteri çizimlerine göre üretim yapıyoruz ve kendi sertleştirme atölyemiz var. Bu, üretim sırasında zamandan ve paradan tasarruf sağlar. Gaz nitrürleme ve tek diş indüksiyon sertleştirme için alanında uzman kişilerle işbirliği mevcuttur.
Die CNC-Bearbeitung bei RPWORLD erfüllt die vielfältigen Anforderungen von Kunden, die von Einzelteilen bis hin zur Produktion von geringen bis mittleren Stückzahlen reichen.
- Ausgestattet mit 3-Achs-, 4-Achs- und 5-Achs-Maschinen, Bohrmaschinen, Drehmaschinen und EDM.
- Lieferung erfolgt in nur 3 Tagen.
- Enge Toleranzen nach DIN ISO 2768 medium (fein).
- Großer Bearbeitungsbereich von 1 mm bis 1600 mm.
- Metall- und Kunststoffteile.
- 20 Jahre Erfahrung.
Angewandte Branchen:
- Medizingeräteherstellung
- Automobilindustrie
- Wissenschaftliche Instrumente
- Maschinenbau
- Robotik
- Design
Maximale Größe: 1600*1100*500mm
Materialien:Stahl, Aluminium, Buntmetalle, Kunststoffe und Speziallegierungen und andere
Moteurs de Bosch Rexroth/Indramat
Dans notre boutique en ligne, vous pouvez acheter des moteurs issus des gammes de produits ANAX, DIAX, ECODRIVE, INDRADRIVE et SERVODYN du fabricant Bosch Rexroth/Indramat comme suit:
Achat en tant que pièce détachée remise à neuf ou en tant que pièce neuve
Remplacement en tant que pièce détachée remise à neuf ou en tant que pièce neuve
Réparation pour remise à neuf ou nettoyage et révision
Notre entrepôt de pièces détachées complet comptant plus de 100000 modules consultables immédiatement permet un approvisionnement rapide en pièces détachées entraînant des pertes de revenus réduites liées aux machines pour nos clients.
Nous sommes la seule entreprise au monde du domaine des commandes et entraînements à avoir le statut « Bosch Rexroth Service Point ». Par conséquent, nous sommes en mesure de vous proposer une garantie allant jusqu'à 24 mois sur les prestations citées ci-dessus concernant les moteurs du fabricant Bosch Rexroth/Indramat.
With an additional current transformer, the production data of the inverter can be recorded and visualized in the VARTA monitoring portal. As a result, you do not need a Solar-Log data logger to integrate the inverters.
Thanks to our expertise in mechanical production, we can provide you with effective support in the purchase and procurement of:
supplier parts
Experimental parts
Rapid prototypes
Sample parts
You can obtain these parts directly from us from our supplier network, or we will support you in procuring them from your suppliers by coordinating your development, purchasing, logistics and quality assurance.
conTROL è un contenitore EMV estremamente robusto che dispone di una schermatura standard EMV senza una costosa guarnizione conduttiva. Attraverso un profilo dentato tra il coperchio e la parte inferiore si ottiene il contatto continuo. È adatto a qualsiasi tipo di componenti interni industriali che richiedono una particolare protezione EMV. Per la protezione di pulsanti o interruttori sulla parte anteriore del contenitore è disponibile un coperchio con un bordo più alto e una smussatura particolarmente piacevole alla vista. Il contenitore è resistente agli agenti atmosferici ed è a tenuta stagna. All'interno si trovano le cupole di fissaggio per l'alloggio di piastre di montaggio, guide di supporto o schede madri. Gli avvitamenti per cavi corrispondenti appartengono alla gamma ROLEC.
EN AC-44300 DIN EN 1706:Aluminio
Here at Knight Optical, we understand that there is no one size fits all for your optical component specifications. That is why – as well as edging down our stock optics – we also offer our entire range as custom-made components.
This bespoke option is popular across a variety of sectors such as defence and aerospace, medical and research as well as engineering and manufacturing industries; to name a few. By opting for our customised service, not only will you be able to choose the material, millimetre-perfect dimensions and thicknesses best suited to your application, but you will also be able to pick appropriate optical coatings to protect or enhance your device's operability.
If you would like to discuss your optical requirements with a member of our team or to find out more about our custom-made optics, please get in touch on +44 (0)1622 859444, choose option One. Alternatively, click here to view our full range of custom-made optics.
Connection bracket (set), for right-angled connection of two or three aluminium profiles and panel elements.
Different sizes and versions:
— 2-hole, 4-hole, 8-hole
— 30/45, 30/80, 30/100, 45/100
— 1 slot, 2 slots
— Profile 20, 30, 40, 45, 80, 90
— Profile slot 5, 6, 8, 10
— open form or closed form
— with cover cap (plastic PA) in various designs
— with mounting set such as hammer head screws, slot nut and flange nuts
— with slot fixing
— with slotted hole
— as support bracket 80 x 180 or 80 x 160 - fixing slot nut (set) can be swivelled in as an accessory!
Material selection:
— Aluminium
— Die-cast aluminium
— Zinc die-cast
— grey cast iron
— steel
— blank
— aluminium coloured
Other surfaces, other colors on request!
Nous concevons des éléments visuels qui renforcent l'identité de votre marque et l'expérience de l'utilisateur. Cela inclut la création d'éléments uniques tels que des boutons, des illustrations, des icônes et bien plus encore, qui s'intègrent parfaitement à votre matériel numérique et imprimé. Nous veillons à ce que ces éléments s'alignent sur le langage visuel de votre marque, afin d'obtenir un aspect cohérent et soigné sur toutes les plateformes.
Ming Xiao Mfg è specializzato in servizi di stampaggio di lamiere da oltre 20 anni, sono stati personalizzati molti tipi di parti per stampaggio di lamiere, parti rigonfie, parti imbutite per diversi settori.Forniamo processi relavent come punzonatura, piegatura, taglio, cesoiatura, rivettatura , filatura, saldatura, imbutitura, ecc.
Parti di stampaggio in metallo Materiali disponibili: alluminio, rame / ottone, acciaio inossidabile, acciaio al carbonio, acciaio dolce, acciaio laminato a freddo, acciaio Kovar, ecc.
Lamiera CRS (acciaio laminazione a freddo), lamiera HRS (acciaio laminazione a caldo), lamiera d'acciaio zincata a caldo (SGCC, SPCC,).
acciaio inossidabile: 201,304,316 ...
Lega di alluminio: 1060,2024, 3003,5052,6061, ecc
Tutti gli standard in ottone e rame
Finiture: anodizzazione, verniciatura, verniciatura a polvere, annerimento, galvanica di cromo / zinco / nichel / stagno / argento ...
Multi-busbar technology of solar cells PERSC and half-cells configurations provide higher power output, better efficiency depending on the temperature, lower shadow effects, lower risk of hot spots, and endurance for mechanical burden.
Version:Silver Frame
Siamo specializzati nella produzione di componenti in acciaio inossidabile, realizzati con precisione secondo le specifiche esigenze e i disegni forniti dai nostri clienti.
Utilizzando tecniche avanzate tra cui taglio laser, piegatura CNC, saldatura robotizzata e rettifica robotizzata, garantiamo i più alti standard di qualità e precisione a un prezzo competitivo.
Inoltre, offriamo servizi di trattamento superficiale come decapaggio e fosfatazione tramite i nostri partner di fiducia, garantendo una soluzione completa per le esigenze dei nostri clienti
Pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients, nous avons introduit des services d'assemblage de machines sur site à Gdańsk, dans le nord de la Pologne. Grâce à la collaboration avec notre partenaire Intema Sp. z o.o., nous avons établi des structures et élargi notre département de production sous contrat. La solution de production basée sur l'externalisation permet d'augmenter le volume et de réduire les coûts. Nous exécutons des projets sur la base de la documentation et des directives fournies. Forts d’une vaste expérience dans la création de différents types de machines, nous proposons non seulement la fabrication, mais également une assistance technique et des conseils. Notre parc de machines comprend des tours, des fraiseuses, des jets d'eau et des postes de soudage. Nous disposons également d'un service d'achats, nous permettant d'obtenir des prix optimaux pour tous les composants.
For light grinding, polishing and milling work.
Length: 1.500 mm
Shaft core Ø: 6 mm
max. Speed: 30.000 rpm
Connection to Machine: M10 x 30 threaded Connection
Connection to handpiece: square small (5mm)
PFLITSCH confectionne des chemins de câbles métalliques en unités complètes
La gestion des câbles axée sur la pratique - PFLITSCH entend par là des chemins de câbles haut de gamme assorties d'un service comprenant l'étude, la confection, les outillages et le montage.
Confectionner des chemins de câbles métalliques à la main exige beaucoup de personnel, c'est compliqué et coûteux car elles doivent souvent être remaniées. PFLITSCH fabrique des ensembles de goulottes sur mesure planifiées CAO, prêtes au montage, efficaces et rationnelles. Le client a l'avantage d'un gain de temps appréciable tout en soulageant son personnel d'un travail de routine. Le matériel est livré dans les délais au prix fixe, montage sur site inclus sur demande.
Vos avantages :
Prix total avantageux et transparent
Étude conforme aux documents
Nomenclatures et listes de commande générées automatiquement
Délais de livraison fermes
Planning de production optimisé
Réduction de la charge des travaux
Zirconia is a very strong industrial ceramic with excellent properties in terms of hardness, fracture toughness and corrosion resistance; it solves the most common characteristic of ceramics-high brittleness. Its unique crack propagation resistance and high thermal expansion make it an excellent material for joining ceramics and metals such as steel. Due to the unique properties of zirconia, it is sometimes referred to as “ceramic steel”.
Oltre alla lavorazione standard dei metalli, offriamo anche l'opzione di un completo assemblaggio di singole macchine o di assemblaggi di dispositivi, inclusi elementi idraulici, pneumatici, elettrici o di automazione per le collezioni iniziali e finali.
Siamo in grado di offrire il lancio di stazioni o linee di assemblaggio di piccole e medie dimensioni nel nostro stabilimento, che possono includere non solo gli assemblaggi metallici di elementi, ma possono includere l'assemblaggio complessivo di meccanismi o strutture, inclusi strutture idrauliche, pneumatiche, elettriche o di automazione.
Il personale ben addestrato dell'ufficio progettazione e i dipendenti della produzione sono in grado di garantire il corretto assemblaggio di macchine e dispositivi. Il processo tecnologico padroneggiato di assemblaggio di attrezzature, macchine e dispositivi ci consente di offrire una gamma più ampia di elementi, come servizi di installazione e soluzioni di lavorazione dei metalli.
SPIROL's Series LP500 Latch Pins for Plastics are designed with a barb located under the head with a barb length equal to the width of the outermost section of the assembly. The remaining length of the LP500 Latch Pin is smooth without any other retention features. This allows the LP500 Latch Pin for Plastic to easily align and freely install through all of the holes with a plastic assembly until the barb makes contact with the final hole to securely lock the pin in place. Once fully installed, the handle will pivot freely around the non-barbed end of the stationary pin. The head prevents the LP500 Latch Pin from being over-installed, and enables the pin to be mechanically oriented for automatic installation. Manufactured from lightweight, lead free aluminium, SPIROL's LP500 Latch Pins for Plastics are available in three standard diameters: 3mm, 4mm and 5mm.
Standard Material:Lead Free Aluminium
Standard Diameters:3mm, 4mm, & 5mm
In the demanding and rigorous conditions of transportation, reliable systems are a top priority. Manufacturing spare parts plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of drivers and the cargo transportation industry.
Custom Spare Parts Solutions
Every type of truck and car requirement is unique. We offer our customers custom manufacturing to provide the most suitable solutions. Our expert engineers design and manufacture spare parts tailored to the needs of each vehicle.
Contact Our Expert Team
Feel free to get in touch with us to learn more about vehicle spare parts manufacturing and solutions. Our expert team is here to recommend the best parts for your needs.
Let’s Create the Best Spare Parts for You!
Contact our expert team to learn more about our manufacturing abillity. We are here to offer solutions tailored to your specific needs. Get in Touch and redefine safety!
De hoogspanningsmotoren kunnen gemaakt zijn van gietijzer of gelast staal (lichtere oplossing).
- Driefasige gietijzeren kooimotoren
- Hoogspanningsmotoren tussen 3 en 13,8kV
- Vermogen van 160kW tot 10MW
- IP55 of IP23 bescherming
- Efficiëntie IE3/IE4 (morgen IE5)
- Standaard en aangepaste maten zijn beschikbaar voor verkoop
- Voorraad motoren in 2-4-6 polen tot 1.2MW, IC411 koeling
- Aangepaste motoren volgens uw specificaties of ter vervanging van een bestaande motor worden aan u geleverd
- Koeling IC411-IC416-IC511-IC611-IC616-ICW81
- Kogel- of glijlagers